Web Content Viewer (JSR 286) 15min

job interview


The difficulties of employment for persons with disabilities are well documented and are due to several factors, including the recent and prolonged economic crisis. For this reason, the Lombardy Region has supported and supplemented the required national standard in a series of interventions aimed at helping persons with disabilities in finding employment suited to their characteristics as well as continuity. There are services and interventions that persons with disabilities must be aware of together with a series of benefits (and permits) which can facilitate the working lives of both the employee and their care-giver.

Dote Unica Lavoro

The Dote Unica Lavoro programme is a support system for entering employment or re-employment and qualification or retraining. It meets the needs of people at different stages of their professional life through an integrated and personalized service.

For more information visit the regional website.

Autonomy Income: Employment Access programme (PIL)

The information and the means of access to the financial contribution for the unemployed called is called "Employment access programme - PIL."

For more information visit the regional website.


For more information:

SpazioDisabilità - Regione Lombardia
+ 39 02 67654740 - spaziodisabilita@regione.lombardia.it

Soon, this section will be implemented.